We can help you to fulfill your VAT obligations in Europe. We are offering representation along with other VAT services but only to trustworthy and reliable non-EU businesses under strict measures of control. These VAT services go hand by hand as we need to make sure your business is paying the right amount of VAT as we will get responsible for that.
Who might be interested in VAT Intermediary Services?
Online sellers holding stock outside of the EU
Sellers doing drop-shipping
Why do I need an intermediary to sell in Europe?
If you are a non-EU business online seller and you want to register for IOSS you will probably already know that you must appoint someone in Europe to act on your behalf and be responsible before all the European Tax Offices. This is happening due to VAT changes coming into force as of 1st July.
What does it mean exactly?
It means that if you are selling online to final consumers (B2C) and you want to use IOSS you must appoint an Intermediary within EU who will be jointly and several liable for any VAT due or unpaid. For that reason, there are few companies within EUROPE offering this service.
How can we help?
Why this service could be very expensive?
The more you sell the more VAT you will pay to European Tax Offices so if you are doing great numbers at your store and reaching 6/7 figures then the risk for the intermediary would be high. Bear in mind that your online shop must be implemented to charge the VAT rate applicable in the country of consumption, collect it from your customer and pay all that VAT to each country. And if something is going wrong the intermediary will be jointly and highly liable for any VAT unpaid or due.

Only one intermediary
You cannot appoint more than one intermediary in each country where you’re selling to.
You are more than welcome to call us or to schedule a zoom/teams call if you need further information or assistance. We are here to make things easier for you so you can focus on what is important to you, running your online business.
We tell you what VATONTIME can do for your business