INTRASTAT Thresholds 2023

Companies trading within EU countries may have to declare using INTRASTAT declaration, arrivals of goods from other member states and/or shipments of goods to other member states whenever their transactions exceed a threshold determined by each country. Find 2023 Intrastat reporting thresholds in the table below:   Country Arrival’s Threshold Dispatches Threshold Austria 1 100…

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Qué es el IVA y como funciona

VAT, What is it? And how does it work?

VAT (Value Added Tax) is an indirect tax on consumption. This tax is levied on each invoice issued or equivalent document for deliveries of goods or services by increasing the price for each item or service by a percentage (VAT rate). We therefore, in each purchase, pay the price of the good plus a percentage…

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Cómo vender en AMAZON respetando las normas de IVA

How to sell on AMAZON and not fail in tax matters

When it comes to selling on the Internet, whether you do it from your own website or through a Marketplace, you must take into account taxes and your tax obligations. In this post, we will focus on the obligations of sellers that use any of Amazon’s programmes. If you sell through Amazon, your tax obligations…

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